

Ведущая клиника в лечении бесплодия в Киеве, Украина
Клиника Виктория — одна из ведущих и самых современных клиник по лечению бесплодия в Киеве, Украине.
Клиника оказывает весь спектр по лечению бесплодия -IVF, ICSI, PGD, Egg Donation и консультации по суррогатному материнству и оборудована самым современным оборудованием и оснащена самыми последними технологиями в IVF.
Main areas of work:
Ultrasonic scanning
Endoscopic surgery
Inflammatory diseases
Sexually transmitted diseases
Diseases of the cervix
Lab examination
Follicle stimulation protocols
Artificial insemination
Egg retrieval
Egg fertilisation
Egg donation programme
Subspecialty examination
Family planning
Laboratory tests
Intra Crtoplasmic Sperm Injection
IMSI Technique

Embryo transfer

Prenatal diagnostics
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)
Endoscopic surgery

Клиника Виктория -успешность лечения 2011



In vitro fertilization (IVF) (no medicines) — 1 attempt 1310 GBP
In vitro fertilization (IVF) (no medicines) — 2 attempts 915  GBP
In vitro fertilization (IVF) (no medicines) – 3rd and the next attempts 660  GBP
In vitro fertilization (IVF) (with medicines) — 1 attempt 2090 GBP
In vitro fertilization (IVF) (with medicines) — 2 attempts 1470 GBP
In vitro fertilization (IVF) (with medicines) – 3rd and the next attempts 1045 GBP
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) by the sperm of a husband 615   GBP
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) by the sperm of a donor 715   GBP
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) by the sperm of a husband during natural menstrual period 430   GBP
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) by the sperm of a donor during natural menstrual period 445   GBP
In vitro fertilization using donor oocytes, no medicines for the recipient – 1st attempt 2930 GBP
In vitro fertilization using donor oocytes, no medicines for the recipient – 2nd attempt 2345 GBP
In vitro fertilization using donor oocytes, no medicines for the recipient – 3rd and the next attempts 2050 GBP
In vitro fertilization using donor oocytes with medicines for the recipient – 1st attempt 3140 GBP
In vitro fertilization using donor oocytes with medicines for the recipient – 2nd attempt 2510 GBP
In vitro fertilization using donor oocytes with medicines for the recipient – 3rd and the next attempts 2195 GBP
In vitro fertilization using donor oocytes no medicines for the 2nd recipient 1650 GBP
In vitro fertilization using donor oocytes, with medicines for the 2nd recipient 2000 GBP
Aspiration of sperm cells from testicular tissue (TESA — Testicular Sperm Aspiration) 115   GBP
Injection of one sperm cell into the oocyte cytoplasm (ICSI) 335   GBP
Injection of one sperm cell into the oocyte cytoplasm (ICSI) obtained from the testis 445   GBP
Procedure of oocytes maturing in vitro 2060 GBP
The use of cryopreserved embryos for embryo transfer 465   GBP
Aspiration of endometrium with histology under general anesthesia 115   GBP
Aspiration of endometrium with cytology under general anesthesia 75   GBP
Aspiration of free peritoneal fluid 190   GBP
Embryo replacement (with medicines) 345   GBP
Dissection of a pellucid zone of the embryo (Assisted hatching) 170   GBP
Follicle puncture for oocytes (no medicines) 600  GBP
Follicle puncture for oocytes (with medicines) 675  GBP
Insemination of oocytes and embryos culture in vitro 215  GBP
Embryo replacement (no medicines) 300  GBP
Spermogram 15    GBP

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  • +38 098 300 88 00
  • Киев, Почайнинская 70